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Our most recent publications feature discoveries and novel uses of computer vision to monitor and track animal behaviour in livestock farming.

Publications can also be visited at Google Scholar.


47.  [Pre-print]  A Teacher-to-Student  Information Recovery Method Toward Energy-Efficient Animal Activity Recognition at Low Sampling Rates

Mao, A., Zhu, M., Huang, E.Liu, K*.

Huang, E., He, Zheng., Mao, A., Xu, W., Ceballos, M. C., Parsons T. D., & Liu, K*.

Giraudet, CSE*., Liu, K., McElligott, A. G*., Cobb, M., 

44.  [Conference]  Uniting farms: federated learning for sensory-based animal activity recognition

Mao, A., Huang, E., Gan, H., & Liu, K*., Uniting farms: federated learning for sensor-based animal activity recognition. 2022 European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, Vetmeduni, Vienna, 29 August - 1 September 2022.

43.  [Conference]  Occlusion resistant spatiotemporal analysis of pig distribution pattern in farrowing pens using centrer clustering network.

Huang, E., Mao, A., Gan, H., & Liu, K*., Occlusion resistant spatiotemporal analysis of pig distribution pattern in farrowing pens using center clustering network. 2022 European Conference on Precision Livestock Farming, Vetmeduni, Vienna, 29 August - 1 September 2022.

Mao, A., Huang, E., Gan, H., & Liu, K*., Aug 2022, In: Animals. 12(16):2142. 

Gan, H.*, Ou, M., Li, C., Wang, X., Guo, J., Mao, A., Ceballos, M. C., Parson., T. D., Liu, K.*, & Xue, Y.*, Aug 2022, In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 199, 107162

Sun, Z., Yang, H., Liu, K., Yin, Z., Li, Z., & Xu., W.*, 16 Jun 2022, (Online published) In: ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks

Mao, A., Giraudet, C. S. E.,  Liu, K.*, De Almeida Nolasco, I., Xie, Z., Xie, Z., Gao, Y., Theobald, J., Bheatta, D., Stewart, R., & McElligot, A. G.*, Jun 2022. In: Journal of the Royal Society Interface. 19, 191, 20210921. 

Yang, Y., Liu, Q., Wang, S., Zeng, L., Pan, C., Jado, A., E;hadidi, Y., Liu, K.*, & Pan, J*., May 2022, In: International Journal of gricultural and Biological Engineering. 15, 3. p. 47-54 

Gan, H., Xu, C., Hou, W., Guo, J., Liu, K.*, & Xue, Y.*, May 2022, In: Biosystems and Engineering. 217, p. 102-114


Huang, E.Mao, A.Gan, H., & Liu, K.*, Oct 2021, Animal Environment and Welfare - Proceeedings of International Symposium. Ni, J., Wang-Li, L. & Wang, C (eds.). International research Center for Animal Environment and Welfare,  p 287-294.

Huang, E.Mao, A.Gan, H., Ceballos, M. C., Parsons, T. D., Xue, Y. & Liu, K.*, Oct 2021, In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 189, 106417.

Gan, H., Ou, M., Huang, E., Xu, C., Li, S., Li, J., Liu, K.* & Xue, Y.*, , Sep 2021, In: Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 188, 106357.

30.  [Conference] A Key Frame Selection Method for Creating Deep Learning Training Set in Animal Research Involving Time-Series Video Data

29.  [Conference] Capacity Limit of Deep Learning Methods on Scenarios of Pigs in Farrowing Pen under Occlusion

Huang, E.Mao, A., Ceballos, M. C., Parsons, T. D. & Liu, K.*, (2021). Capacity limit of deep learning methods on scenarios of pigs in farrowing pen under occlusion. ASABE Paper No. 202100757, St Joseph, MI: ASABE. DOI: https//


27.  [Conference]  Sow lying behaviors before, during and after farrowing

Huang, E., Mao, A., Liu, K.*, & Xue, Y. (2020). Sow lying behaviors before, during and after farrowing. In Proc. of the Second Asian Precision Livestock Farming (2nd PLF-Asia) Conference. Beijing, China.


Liu, K., Xin, H.*, Shepherd, T. & Zhao, Y., Jun 2018, In: Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 203, p. 34-41

Liu, K., Xin, H.*, Sekhon, J. & Wang, T., Mar 2018, In: Poultry Science. 97, 3, p. 834-844

Liu, K., Xin, H.*, & Settar, P., Jan 2018, In: Animal. 12, 1, p. 106-115

Liu, K., Wang, K., Fei, T., Xin, H.*, & Chai. L., (2018). Behavioral and production responses of W-36 chicks to supplementary UVA light. ASABE Paper No. ILEX18-011, St Joseph, MI: ASABE. DOI: https//

19.  [Conference]  A RFID-based monitoring system for characterization of perching behaviors of individual poultry

Wang, K., Liu, K., Xin, H.*, Chai, L., Wang, Y., Fei, T., Oliveira, J., Pan, J., & Ying, Y., (2018). A RFID-based monitoring system for characterization of perching behaviors of individual poultry. ASABE Paper No. ILEX18-024. St Joseph, MI: ASABE. DOI: https//

Liu, K., Wang, K., Fei, T., Xin, H.,* & Chai, L. (2018). Computer vision-based animal preference assessment - do laying hen chicks prefer light supplemented with UVA radiation? ASABE Paper No. 1800193, St Joseph, MI: ASABE. DOI: https//

17.  [Conference]  Behavior and production responses of W-36 chicks to supplementary UVA light (abstract)

Liu, K., Wang, K., Fei, T., Xin, H.*, & Chai, L. (2018). Behavior and production responses of W-36 chicks to supplementary UVA light (abstract). In Proc. of the Poultry Science Association 2018 Annual Meeting. San Antonio, Texas, USA, July 23-26, 2018.


Liu, K., Xin, H.* & Chai, L., 2017, In: Transactions of the ASABE. 60, 6, p. 2185-2195

Liu, K. & Xin, H.*, Sep 2017, In: Applied Animal Behaviour Science. 194, p. 54-61

Xin, H.* & Liu, K., Jan 2017, In: Animal Frontiers. 7, 1, p. 24-31

Chai, L., Zhao, Y., Xin, H.*, Wang, T., Atilgan, A., Soupir, M. & Liu, K., In; Transactions of the ASABE. 60. 2, p. 497-506 

Chai, L., Zhao, Y., Xin, H.*, Wang, T., Soupir, M. & Liu, K., (2017). A laboratory study on mitigation of particulate matter, ammonia and airborne bacteria from litter of cage-free layer housing. In Proc. of the 2017 International Symposium on Animal Environment and Welfare. Chongqing, China, 23-26 October 2017.

Liu, K., Xin, H.* & Chai, L., (2017). Choice between LED and fluorescent lights by pullets and laying hens. ASABE Paper No. 1700029. St Joseph, MI: ASABE. DOI: https//

Chai, L., Xin, H.*, Zhao, Y., Wang, T., Soupir, M., & Liu, K. (2017). Mitigating ammonia emissions from liquid-sprayed litter of cage-free hen house with a solid litter additive. ASABE Paper No. 1700279. St Joseph, MI: ASABE. DOI: https//


Yang, Y., Jiang, J., Wang, Y., Liu, K., Teng. G., & Xin. H., 2016, In; Transactions of the ASABE, 59, 5, p. 1361-1370

Lao, F., Brown-Brandl, T. M., Stinn, J. P., Liu, K., Teng, G., & Xin H, 2016, In: Computer and Electronics in Agriculture, 1259, p. 56-62

Zhao, Y., Zhao, D., Ma, H., Liu, K., Atilgan, A., & Xin, H, 2016, In: Poultry Science. 97, 7, p. 1473-1481

5.  [Conference] Sow lying behaviors before, during and after farrowing

Lao, F., Brown-Brandl, T. M., Stinn, J. P., Teng, G., Liu, K., Leonard, S. M., & Xin, H.* (2016). Sow lying behaviors before, during and after farrowing. In Proc. of the First Asian Precision Livestock Farming (1st PLF-Asia) Conference. Beijing, China, 9-11 September 2016, eds. G. Zhang, C. Wang, W. Zheng and D. Berckmans, pp177-179.

4.  [Conference] Preference of W-36 pullets between a commercial LED light and a typical CFL light 

Liu, K., Chai, L., & Xin, H.* (2016). Preference of W-36 pullets between a commercial LED light and a typical CFL light. In Proc. of the First Asian Precision Livestock Farming (1st PLF-Asia) Conference. Beijing, China, 9-11 September 2016, eds. G. Zhang, C. Wang, W. Zheng and D. Berckmans, pp121-123.

Chai, L., Zhao, Y., Xin, H.*, Wang, T., Atilgan, A., Soupir, M., & Liu, K. (2016) Reduction of particulate matter and ammonia by spraying acidic electrolyzed water onto litter of aviary hen houses – a lab-scale study. ASABE Paper No. 162455276. St Joseph, MI: ASABE. DOI: https//

2.  [Conference] Nesting behaviors and egg production pattern of laying hens in enriched colony housing

Oliveira, J., Xin, H.*, Zhao, Y., Li, L., Liu, K., & Glaess, K. (2016). Nesting behaviors and egg production pattern of laying hens in enriched colony housing. ASABE Paper No. 162456546. St Joseph, MI: ASABE. DOI: https//

Lao, F., Brown-Brandl, T. M., Stinn, J. P., Teng, G., Liu, K., & Xin, H*. (2016). Sow lying behaviors before, during and after farrowing.. ASABE Paper No. 162461921. St Joseph, MI: ASABE. DOI: https//

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